The ancestors of modern honeybees have long lived single. What was the impetus that they began to live as families? Millions of years ago, the young solitary bees, reared by the female, leaving the cells under favorable conditions immediately scattered and began an independent life. This is favored by warm and mild climate and permanent (summer and winter) the abundance of melliferous plants. But as you know, on earth, warm periods were followed by sharp cold. Then, when the climate was changing and to get food was difficult, young insects stayed in the family. This helped the bees to mutually warm up and better tolerate cold, unfavorable periods. Such cohabitation was gradually entrenched in the heredity of bees. This gave the bees the many advantages in the struggle for its existence and saved them from extinction, despite the fact that bees have many enemies among insects, birds and even mammals. Joint lifestyle the family was for bee ordinary and necessary. Currently in the same hive in the summer can accumulate up to 70 thousand insects. Before the discovery of America the Indians didn't see the bees and did not have in their language the words "bee" . When this insect was brought from Europe to America, the Indians called it "insect white man" . Transported it across the Atlantic in the seventeenth century, probably in 1638, to the place where he settled the Anglo-Saxons. About a hundred years later (in 1763 ) the English brought bees to Florida. This time they fell to the Spaniards in Cuba. And by the end of the eighteenth century spread across the Northern continent. In Brazil, bees began to spread in the nineteenth century. Honey is eaten as a delicacy, used in the manufacture of various cookies and drinks. Before the preparation of the so-called "drinkable" honey had a very wide circulation both in Germany and other countries, and we, in Russia, especially in the boyar times before the reign of Ivan the terrible in his tenure.. . тебе хватит
Люди нарушают закон не всегда по своей прихоти, часто люди вынуждены нарушать законы, хоть и знают что это плохо. допустим уклонение от уплаты налогов, в некоторых случаях, если предприятие будет полностью выплачивать налог, оно пойдет по меру, то есть закроется из-за убытков. иногда человек ворует из-за того что ему есть нечего и нужно кормить семью. люди открывают нелегальные магазины, подделывают продукцию не от хорошей жизни, на государственной работе платят копейки, которых в большинстве случаев не хватает даже на скромное существование, пенсионерам не хватает денег на лекарства, солдатам, которые стали , защищаю нашу родину, не хватает денег не на жилье, не на еду, не на те же лекарства и как после этого не нарушать закон, люди от голода гибнут.
Hello,yesterday we arrived to my grandmother.i am having a good time with my family.everyday we are walking in the is very cold,that's why i have to bring always a warm sweater with is really interesting to spend time here,because when i am sitting at home,i always play computer games and walking with my mother is cooking a great pancake now.but my father is repairing the car,because something broke when we were going to my,now i am going to sleep. looking forward to see you,(своё имя)
They are all very beautiful.
Honey try to find,
Hardworking all of them.
Sting bees only those
Who honey tries to steal..
But you have to be careful..
So the bees don't get