1 has to Мистер Роббинс вынужден усердно работать,не так ли? Я думаю,да вынужден. 2 had to Макс,ты опоздал! Объясни по какой причине? Извините,я вынужден был вернуться домой,я забыл своё домашнее задание дома. 3 have to Твой старший брат вынужден вставать рано утром? 4 had to Во время Великой Отечественной Войнв тысячи русских подростков вынуждены были бросать школу и начинать работать на фабриках и полях. 5 had to Фиона не пришла ко мне на день рождения.Ей пришлось остаться дома и присматривать за своей маленькой сестрой.
1. Mr Robbins has to work hard, doesn't he? - I think, he does. But he likes his job. 2. Max, you are late! Please explain why. - Sorry, I had to go back home. I left my homework there. 3. Does your elder brother have to get up early in the morning? - Yes, he does. We live a long way from school. 4. During the Great Patriotic War thousands of Russian teenagers had to leave school and begin working in factories and fileds. 5. Fiona didn't come to my birthday. She had to stay at home and take care of her little sister. 6. Does she have to wear school uniform? - Yes, she does. All the students wear it in her school. 7. Next week I will have to go to Manchester as a member of our school football team. 8. She has to stay at home today because she needs to write her essay about one of the wonders of nature.
Immortal immoral impossible
Incapable incomplete incredible
irregular irresponsible irrelevant