From my point of view, girls are more interested in fashion, than boys. girls always love read different magazines, related with fashion. they never lag behind the fashion. also, the most of the models are girls. also girls like different things about fashion such as clothes. but also i want to add that boys also love fashion. some of them even keep a close eye on it. there are also people who hate fashion and everything related to it. i don’t understand such people. in conclusion i would like to say that personally i love fashion.
Karakul is predatory feline mammal. However, due to a number of genetic features, it was isolated into a separate genus. Despite this, it may be closer to the cougar by morphological characteristics. It is well crossed in captivity.
Хищное млекопитающее семейства кошачьих. Долгое время каракала относили к рысям (Lynx), на которых он похож внешне, однако из-за ряда генетических особенностей его выделили в отдельный род. Несмотря на это, каракал всё же немного ближе стоит к рысям, чем другие кошки, при этом будучи гораздо ближе к пуме по морфологическим признакам. Близок каракал и к африканскому сервалу, с которым хорошо скрещивается в неволе.