Вот на английском: In one abandoned with red stone castle towers and small windows settled cool ghost. Day it was engaged in farming: to restore order in the castle, sweep dirty track so that the dust was post. Once evening came, our cute ghost pull on a white bed sheet and quickly flew out through the main entrance of the castle. The hour of fun. That knocks out the window at home, then come into the house and pulled the blanket from sleeping, then buckets zagremit. But people are not angry at him, even loved him
А вот перевод: В одном заброшенном каменном замке с красными башнями и маленькими окошками поселилось прикольное привидение. Днем оно занималось хозяйством: наводило порядок в замке, подметало грязные дорожки так, что пыль стояла столбом. Как только наступал вечер, наше милое привидение натягивало на себя белую простынку и быстро вылетало через главный вход замка. Наступал час веселья. То в окошко дома постучит, то войдет в дом и стащит одеяла со спящих, то ведрами загремит. Но люди не злились на него, а даже любили его за веселые шутки.
In the UK, children start school at the age of five. First, they are stady in schools for children from 5 to 7 years. In these schools learn to draw with colour pencils and paints. Children molded from plasticine and working with paper and glue. Later, they begin to learn the alphabet, to read, write and count. At the age of seven English pupils are in primary school. They study many subjects: English and mathematics, history and music, local history and drawing, needlework, French and Latin. . The first lesson usually begins at 9 o'clock. They have three lessons with short change on 10 minutes between them, and then an hour break for diner. Elementary School ends at the age of eleven, when students pass the exam "11+", and then start high school. A sixteen students pass their final exams.