hey mark! what are you going to do during half-term ?
you (won't believe) it but i(visited) swizerland !
really ? that's so exciting ! swizrland is great. i'm sure you (loved) it.
i think so, too. my family and i (stayed) at a hotel near the swiss alps.
yeah, it great.i (played) in the snow every day.my brother and i also ) to learn how to ski.
you're so lucky.i wish i could go with you.
maybe you can. (should i ask) my parents ?
ok, then. i (will talk) to them tonight.
i think we should go to class now or we (will be) late
you're right. let's go
Bad Day
Last Monday I overslept so I had to go to the university without having breakfast. I left home in a hurry, ran down the street and just barely caught the bus to the university. I was almost sure that I would make it in time, but then I heard a loud bang - the bus tyre exploded! I decide not to wait for the next bus, so I ran to the university and I was about ten minutes late. Our teacher doesn't like students to be late and he got angry with me. He told me to show him my homework but when I opened my bag I realized that I had left my homework at home... That was a really bad day for me!
Плохой день
В понедельник я проспал, поэтому мне пришлось пойти в университет, не позавтракав. Я вышел из дома, побежал по улице и едва успел на автобус в университет. Я был почти уверен, что успеваю, но тут я услышал громкий хлопок: лопнуло колесо автобуса! Я решил не ждать следующего автобуса, поэтому побежал в университет и опоздал на десять минут. Наш преподаватель не любит, когда студенты опаздывают, и рассердился на меня. Он сказал мне показать мою домашнюю работу, но когда я открыл сумку, то понял, что забыл домашку дома... Это был очень плохой день для меня!