These days the industry tends to become more 'green' in order to save our planet from pollution. One of the inventions that will probably change the world greatly is an elecric car.
The first elecric car appered in 1884. It was invented by Thomas Parker, English engineer, known as "the Edison of Europe". These vehicles use energy stored in rechargeable batteries. Since then, they has become popular although it is still quite rare to see elecric cars in the streets in most countries.
Nowadays in Japan there are more filling stations for eletric vehicles than for cars working on fuel.It means that the era of electric vehicles is coming.A lot of companies such as Mercedes-Benz, Toyota, Nissan, Chevrolet and Volkswagen has already introduced this type of cars.
To sum up, this is the innovation of the future that will affect our lives a lot.
Это лето. Жарко и солнечно. Взгляни на утку. У нее пять яиц в гнезде: 4 маленьких и одно большое яйцо. Трещина! Трещина! Трещина! 4маленьких утенка! Трещина! Ой! Какой большой утенок! Мама: Давайте вернемся к воде! Давайте плавать и играть! Утята: Ничего себе! Это весело! Мама: Пойдем на ферму! Большие утки: Какие красивые маленькие утята! Что за некрасивый большой утенок! Маленькие утята курсируют по ферме. Гадкий утенок: Давайте играть вместе! Утята: Ты некрасивый большой утенок! Ты нам не нравишься! Пока! Гадкий утенок: Здравствуйте, Кролики! Давай поиграем вместе! Кролики: Ты некрасивый большой утенок! Ты нам не нравишься! Пока!
On 3-9 April 2012 the Russian Far East hosted the Ecotourism Development Seminar – “Ecotourism development in nature reserves, national parks and specially protected nature territories (SPNT) of the Russian Far East”, with its chief consultants - I.V. Kalmykov, Director of the Altaiskiy Reserve, and S.N. Shchigreva, Deputy Director for Environmental Education, conducting the seminar. The organizers behind the seminar were WWF Russia’s Amur Branch and the Far East Marine Biosphere Reserve of the Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
The seminar was organized and held within the framework of cooperation between the Coordination Council for Reserves in the southern part of the Russian Far East and WWF Russia’s Amur Branch, under the auspices of the Environmental Education Center of the Far East Marine Nature Reserve (Popov Island). The seminar brought together directors and heads of Environmental Education Departments of 16 Far East specially protected nature territories, and invited guests from the administration of the National Park “Smolenskoye Poozerye” (Smolensk oblast) and the Altaiskiy Biosphere Reserve (Altai Republic) that acted as ecotourism consulting experts in specially protected nature territories.
The Altaiskiy Reserve made two reports: “Tourism as a driving force behind the development of the Altaiskiy State Nature Biosphere Reserve” (I.V. Kalmykov), and “The role of the Environmental Education Department in the Altaiskiy Reserve” (S.N. Shchigreva).
“We are grateful to the organizers of the seminar for giving us this unique opportunity not only to benefit from sharing our knowledge in ecotourism development sphere with others, but also to learn from the experience of our colleagues from specially protected nature territories in the Russian Far East and WWF Russia’s Amur Branch, discuss urgent ecotourism development issues and exchange guidance materials”, says Svetlana Shchigreva.
Seminar guests continued to share their ecotourism experience and knowledge in the course of the study tour through reserves and national parks - namely the National Park “Land of the Snow Leopard”, Khankaiskiy and Ussuriyskiy Reserves
These days the industry tends to become more 'green' in order to save our planet from pollution. One of the inventions that will probably change the world greatly is an elecric car.
The first elecric car appered in 1884. It was invented by Thomas Parker, English engineer, known as "the Edison of Europe". These vehicles use energy stored in rechargeable batteries. Since then, they has become popular although it is still quite rare to see elecric cars in the streets in most countries.
Nowadays in Japan there are more filling stations for eletric vehicles than for cars working on fuel.It means that the era of electric vehicles is coming.A lot of companies such as Mercedes-Benz, Toyota, Nissan, Chevrolet and Volkswagen has already introduced this type of cars.
To sum up, this is the innovation of the future that will affect our lives a lot.