My name is (своё имя). I'm (возраст). I live in (город) in (улица) street. I study at school number (номер школы). I have a family. My family is big. I have a father, a mother and a sister (brother). My mother's name is (имя мамы). She is (её возраст). She is a (an) (её профессия). My father's name is (имя папы). He is (его возраст). He is a (an) (его профессия). My sister (brother) name is (имя брата или сестры). She (he) is (его или её возраст). She (he) is a (an) (его или её профессия). I love my family very much!
So does size has anything to do with it? Simply Big Banana is a “Boom Boom” beach with a bar and music (not to loud) which get very busy mainly with under 30’s. Little Banana is quieter but it does get busy in July August (predominately with Nude sun bathers / swimmers. Obviously there is an attraction to Little Banana with people peering over the rocks to see what’s it’s all about? There is a small “shack “of a bar on this beach. Both beaches are clean and the sea is safe to bathe in BUT they are difficult to get too and walking is required at the tail end of the main beach at Koukanaris (No sign posts I’m afraid )just turn right at the end of the road and follow the road / rough track around and over. Parking is a problem here.