Doctors say obesity, also known as severe overweight, is a complex condition. A
4)doctor may advise medical interventions in addition to changes in behavior. But experts say the most
successful weight-loss plans include a well-balanced 5)diet and exercise. People who want to avoid 6)weight gain have to balance the number of calories they eat with the number
of calories they use. To lose weight, you can reduce the number of 7)calories you take in, or increase the number you use, or both. Experts at the National Institutes of Health say to lose
weight, a person should do an hour of moderate to intensive physical activity most days of the week. This could include fast walking, 8)short or strength training. You should also follow
a nutritious eating plan and take in 9)fewer calories than your body uses each day. A recent study looked at four of the most popular dieting plans in the United States. Researchers at
Stanford University in California studied more than three hundred overweight women, mostly in their thirties and forties. Each woman went on one of the four plans: Atkins, The Zone, Ornish or
LEARN. The women attended diet classes and received written information about the 10)foodplans. At the end of a year, the women on the Atkins diet had lost the most, more than four
and one-half kilograms on average. They also did better on tests including cholesterol levels and blood pressure.
1. Jeremy has been having a shower for twenty minutes!
2. Hi John! I haven't seen you since Christmas!
3. Michael has been learning German for three months and he loves it.
4. Monica has bought a new suit for the interview.
5. -What are you doing? - 'I have been watching television since I arrived'.
6. Do you like my living room? I have put new curtains.
7. I'm not very well. I have been to the doctor's twice this week.
8. Jessica has been living in this apartment her whole life.
9. You look tired. Have you been working since this morning?
10. She's an awesome gymnast but she has never won a compe
11. Sorry, I'm late. How long have you been sitting here?
12. What a great smell. Have you been cooking this whole time?
13. I have bought a new car. Do you like it?
14. Carol has seen this film many times. She loves it.
15. - How long have you been waiting ?
16. She's a good dancer. She has won two championships already.
17. Sam is not here. He's gone. He has been travelling for months.
18. Look at my jacket. I have had it for only three days.
Они часто лают, редко кусаются;
Но пока собака в целом
Что называется, простая душа.
Конечно, я не в том числе Мопсов,
И такие фантастические собачьи выкрутасы.
Обычные собаки о городе
Гораздо склонен играть клоуна
И далеко не показывая слишком много гордости
Часто несолидно.
Он очень легко в
Просто выбросить его под подбородком
Или шлепнуть спине или пожать ему лапу,
И он будет порезвиться и гогот.
Он такой спокойный увалень,
Он ответит на любой оклик или крик.
Снова я должен напомнить вам, что
Собака-это собака - кошка.