A very interesting event happened during the 1986 football World Cup in Mexico. On June 22, Argentina and England played against each other in the semifinals. Fans and players for both teams felt very strongly about this match. Only four years earlier, England and Argentina fought a war over the Falkland Islands. Since England had prevailed in the conflict, many Argentinians saw this game as a chance for revenge. English football fans were equally passionate about winning the game because they saw it as a good chance to win the World Cup.
Air- it's fundamental factor of life on the earth.Thanks to the air-we can lead a normal life.However, with everyear, we somehow influence the air.
People on the Earth-it is catastroph for the Planet, because we impact on the nature in negative way,and air- is not an exception.Due to industrial human activities,we polute the air more and more.when industrial plants are running, they have emissions and these emissions pollute the air.If think carefully-air is one of the most essential thing on our Planet, but we treat him with disdain, and it makes me upset.due to the fact that we ourselves pollute the air, this also makes us bad, for instance a lot of diseases caused by air pollution.
We need to treat air and environmental problems with respect, because they give life on the planet!
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2 i have a lot of information about my friends holiday she has just told me about it. У меня много информации о каникулах друзей. Она только что рассказала мне об этом
3 everbody wants to visit astana. Astana has already become the capital of Kazakhstan. Все хотят посетить астану. Астана уже стала столицей казахстана
4 i don't often see omar and Dmitry. They have already left for astana я не часто вижу омара и дмитрия. Они уже уехали из астаны
5 adel is at home now. She is taking some medicine now. She has just visited the doctor адель дома сейчас. Она принимает лекарства. Она только что посетила врача