1. Должно быть, Сандра в школе - её сумка в учительской.
("her bag's in the staff room" is a fact, "Sandra must be in the school" is an obvious consequence)
2. Считается, что Шекспир путешествовал в Италии.
("Is believed to have travelled" is a generally accepted fact, something that everyone believes in, something that everyone knows)
3. Все кроме нас прибыли вовремя.
("everybody except us" is an exception: everyone was there in time and we were not)
4. Я встал рано, чтобы успеть на ранний поезд.
(1. early - adverb, it indicates the time; 2. early (train) - adjective, it characterises the time when train arrives)
5. Я хотел бы, чтобы ты пришёл рано завтра.
("would like you to come" is a complex object)
1. Children will have been playing in the playground for 3 hours by 6 p.m.
Children won't have been playing in the playground for 3 hours by 6 p.m.
Will children have been playing in the playground for 3 hours by 6 p.m?
2. At 4 o'clock next Saturday we will be packing our luggage.
At 4 o'clock next Saturday we won't be packing our luggage.
Will we be packing our luggage at 4 o'clock next Saturday?
3. Our train will start at 8 p. m. the day after tomorrow.
Our train won't start at 8 p. m. the day after tomorrow.
Will our train start at 8 p. m. the day after tomorrow?
4. Tom will have returned from the cinema by five o'clock tomorrow.
Tom won't have returned from the cinema by five o'clock tomorrow.
Will Tom have returned from the cinema by five o'clock tomorrow?