Most of the animals live in the forests. They are called "wild beasts." Many of them - they are dangerous animals, predators, hunting and breeding facilities. But they all have one goal - survival, for they are constantly fighting.
Polar bear - the largest land mammals of the representative of prey. Polar bear from other bears distinguish long neck and flat head. His skin is black. Coat color varies from white to yellow, in the summer the fur may turn yellow due to constant exposure to sunlight. Polar bear fur is devoid of pigment stains and hairs are hollow.
Ванна barh, bathtub
Железная дорога railway, railroad
Первый этаж ground floor, first floor
Перекресток crossword, intersection
Печенье biscuits, cookies
Почта post, mail
Магазин shop, store
Осень autumn, fall
Очередь queue, line
Счет bill, check
Фамилия surname, last name