3. Present Perfect Continuous Active (верно)
4. Past Simple Passive
5. Future Continuous Active
группа Perfect Continuous использует have, который изменяется по времени (Past PC - had, Future PC - will have)+been+Ving, в пассиве эта группа быть не может, выбираем актив
Past Simple использует V2(2 форму глагола), а пассив образуется с was/were+V3/Ved - видим was и глагол с окончанием ed - значит past simple passive
Future Continuous использует will+be+Ving, это время в пассиве стоять не может. - значит выбираем будущее длительное в активе
Before they moved to this town, they had lived in Chicago.
After the kids had eaten their lunch, they took a little nap.
After school we always met at the youth club.
Soon after sunrise we cycled to an observation point that I had never heard of before.
When I came home, my mother had already prepared dinner.
When Monica finished her homework, she went out to play with her friends.
When we met Andrew, we told him about our plans.