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10.07.2020 00:39 •  Английский язык

Нужно по языку написать essay,все по плану.не большое желательно

Writing about the winter. Why I love winter?
Great time - winter.
Why I love winter?
Winter in the city.
Winter in the woods.
Winter fun and games.
Conclusion. The most beautiful time of the year.
Enchantress winter
Bewitched, forest stands -
And under the fringe of snow.
Motionless, nemoyu,
Strange life he shines. (F. Tiutchev)
What a great time - the winter! Spun, zavyuzhilo. Frosts chained reservoirs. Stagnation of birch in a snow-white fringe, poblёskivayut shaggy caps on pine trees sparkle powdered snow cones on spruce branches. Around The cold silence. He bites the frosty air. Snow cover is securely sheltered ground. Come out of the gloom of the spruce - takes your breath away: the snow is shining, the sky, the sun! It's a miracle!
The special nature of a winter in the city. Whistling blizzard sweeps through the streets, rushing about in the alleys, piercing prickly needles all living things. Snow lies somewhere in the snowdrifts, but where a thin layer. Winter sun wanders like in the mountains, between the houses, sometimes drifting snow sweeps, flowing white dust.
The forest is also a lot of interesting at this time. While snow still not deep in the woods everywhere there are traces of the animals. Birds also often land in search of food. Squirrel manages to find your favorite fruits, even when the thickness of the snow cover is great. On the edge of the forest in the feeding moose willow. In the neighborhood fox mouse. Raising clouds of snow, making their way along the trail wild boars. From the thickets at the edge grouse flew out and sat down on a tree: winter sun can also soak. Nearby sleeping bear in the den. Wind faintly touches tree branches, and singing a song winter forest. What is it? On the beauty of nature. About all live on Earth.
Winter - the time of merry fun and games. Out on the street, you can see how someone creaking snow, skiing or sledding, like some girl draws blade skates beautiful patterns on the ice. Even in winter it is easier to learn. A fresh breeze blows sad thoughts out of my head.
I love winter because it is the most beautiful time of the year and because it is my favorite holiday of the winter - the New Year. The magical night at the glittering lights of Christmas trees people having fun from the heart, and make wishes. With the last kick of the Kremlin chimes comes a new year comes a new joy and care
вот русская версия:Сочинение про зиму. Почему я люблю зиму?
Прекрасная пора — зима.
Почему я люблю зиму?
Зима в городе.
Зима в лесу.
Зимние игры и забавы.
Заключение. Самое красивое время года.
Чародейкою зимою
Околдован, лес стоит -
И под снежной бахромою.
Неподвижною, немою,
Чудной жизнью он блестит. (Ф. Тютчев)
Какая прекрасная пора — зима! Закружило, завьюжило. Морозы сковали водоёмы. Застыли берёзы в белоснежной бахроме, поблёскивают мохнатые шапки на соснах, искрятся припорошенные снегом шишки на ветвях елей. Кругом студёная тишь. Кусается морозный воздух. Снежный покров надёжно укрыл землю. Выходишь из елового сумрака — дух захватывает: такое сияние снега, неба, солнца! Просто чудо!
Особый характер имеет зима в городе. Со свистом несётся вьюга по улицам, мечется в переулках, пронзая колючими иглами всё живое. Снег лежит где сугробами, а где тонким слоем. Зимнее солнце блуждает, словно в горах, между домами, иногда позёмка метёт, струится белая пыль.
В лесу в эту пору тоже много интересного. Пока снег ещё неглубок, в лесу повсюду встречаются следы животных. Птицы тоже часто приземляются в поисках пищи. Белка ухитряется отыскивать любимые плоды, даже когда толщина снежного покрова велика. На опушке леса в ивняке кормятся лоси. По соседству мышкует лиса. Поднимая облака снега, пробираются по тропе кабаны. Из зарослей на опушку вылетел рябчик и уселся на дереве: на зимнем солнце тоже можно понежиться. Поблизости спит в берлоге медведь. Ветер едва слышно перебирает ветви деревьев, и поёт лес зимнюю песню. О чём она? О красоте природы. Обо всём живом на Земле.
Зима — это время весёлых игр и забав. Выйдя на улицу, можно увидеть, как кто-то, скрипя снегом, катается на лыжах или санках, как какая-нибудь девочка рисует лезвием коньков красивые узоры на льду. Даже учиться зимой легче. Свежий ветерок уносит грустные мысли из головы.
Я люблю зиму, потому что это самое красивое время года и потому что зимой мой любимый праздник — Новый год. В волшебную ночь у сверкающих огнями ёлок люди веселятся от души и загадывают желания. С последним ударом кремлевских курантов настает новый год, приходят новые радости и заботы
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ответ:1) I bought a new dress yesterday. 2) They didn,t win the game. 3) Who is the cleverest pupil in the class? 4) We went to the funfair two days ago. 5) Kathy is the prettiest girl in the school. 6) Did you meet Paul at the hospital yesterday? 7) Liz wrote a letter to Ken a week ago. 8) Ricky was the strongest boy in his class. 9) The boys rode a camel at the zoo last summer. 10) My brother Tom didn,t swim for his school team. 11) Kim met Brad Pitt last month. 12) I rode a horse for the first time last Saturday. 13) Kevin is the best pupil in the class. 14) Mary and Julie went to a concert last night. 15) Jack is the strongest boy in the room. 16) Cindy bought a new jacket yesterday. 17) Did John win the game? 18) Who is the loudest student in the class? 19) We ate chips and burgers for dinner. 20) They didn,t see any dinosaurs in the museum.


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In the UK alone, the pet product and services market is worth a staggering £1.7billion. Much of that includes accessories and toys. However, within such a highly competitive space, companies are always looking for an edge over their business rivals. This means many new products and services need to be vet-approved, providing plenty of consultancy opportunities for well-respected vets. What's more, humans are more concerned about their pets than ever before, especially when it comes to nutrition. A vet with a background in pet and animal nutrition can now build a side career in digital journalism, blogging, or even television.

Vets with an enterprising spirit can even set up their own companies. Co-founded by vet surgeon Richard Allport and canine specialist Kristina Johnson, Elmo's Kitchen is the kind of business that could only exist in the 21st century. Elmo's Kitchen creates individual nutrition plans based on each dog's requirements, as well as dishing out tips on supplements to prevent long-term health conditions.

There's also a rapidly emerging market in veterinary software that integrates IT and communications systems within universities, private practices, animal hospitals, and government offices. This new technology will help vets provide a more streamlined service and encourage a dialogue between different animal welfare agencies. It addition, it will become a great way to share information on new treatment techniques and drugs, helping to save even more animals.  

Becoming a vet is not easy, but most vets say it is definitely worth all the hard work. So keep your eye on the prize, and remember, once all the studying is done, you get to spend the rest of your career helping some of the cutest and most fascinating creatures on the planet.

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