Tom, aka Thomas, is a short-haired cat of an obscure breed, with white paws and a light chest. The main character and the main villain of the series. Despite his obvious predation, it is Tom who most of all gets the first number. The main goal of Tom's life is to capture the harmful mouse Jerry. Secondary goals are: eat well, sleep well, and generally lead an idle lifestyle. In a number of episodes, the essence of Tom's heartfelt claims to a cute white cat is revealed. Tom has his own mattress basket and is a completely domestic cat.
- Do I usually eat chickent or fish with potatoes or rice?
- What do I usually eat chicken or fish with?
- Who usually eats chicken or fish with potatoes or rice?
- Do I usually eat chicken or meat with potatoes or rice?
- I usually eat chicken or fish with potatoes or rice, don't I?
2. I usually run in the park after work and I eat healthy food to be fit.
- Do I usually run in the park after work? - Do I eat healthy food to be fit?
- What do I usually do after work? - Where do I usually run after work? - What kind of food do I eat to be fit?
- Who usually runs in the park after work and eats healthy food to be fit?
- Do I usually run in the park before or after work? - Do I eat healthy or useless food to be fit?
- I usually run in the park after work and I eat healthy food to be fit, don't I?