Дорогая Света. Я так рада получить твое письмо.Это замечательно,чтоб чтение является твоим хобби! Что касается меня,то я люблю читать книги и они играют очень важную роль в моей жизни. К сожалению,у меня нет достаточно времени для чтения,потому что я занята учебой.Ямного читала летом,когда была на каникулах.Что касается моей любимой книги в детстве ,то это было Золушка.Я читала ее много раз. Пиши скорее! С любовью, Анна
Dear Sveta, I'm so happy to get your letter.It's wonderful that reading is your hobby! As for me,i like reading and books play a very important role in my life. Unfortunately i don't have enogh time for reading because i'm busy with my studies.I read a lot in summer when i'm on holiday. As for my favourite book in my childhood,it was Cinderella.I read it a lot of times. Write back soon! With love, Ann
Sport is a very important thing in the life of millions people.Sport makes people healthy, stronger and more organized.Almost all people may be divided into 2 groups.Some prefer to watch sports events at the stadium or on TV, read interesting stories about sportsmen, listen to the radio news about football or another kind of sports.
Others choose to take part in the sport games or competitions.
There are many different sport events and competitions all over the world.
The most popular outdoor winter sports are skating, skiing, hockey, hunting.

There are new winter sports such as snowboarding.This sport becomes popular every year among young sportsmen.
Many people prefer to do sports in summer.
They are fond of swimming, yachting, diving and so on.
Football is the most popular game in the world.
It is the national sport of England.
FIFA World Cup is held every four years.
Some people go in for such sports as wrestling, gymnastics, boxing, arm-wrestling and others.
Aerobics is very popular among women.
Thanks to it, girls are healthy and slim.
Great attention is paid to the sport in the educational institutions.
Sport is a very important thing in the life of millions people.Sport makes people healthy, stronger and more organized.Almost all people may be divided into 2 groups.Some prefer to watch sports events at the stadium or on TV, read interesting stories about sportsmen, listen to the radio news about football or another kind of sports.
Others choose to take part in the sport games or competitions.
There are many different sport events and competitions all over the world.
The most popular outdoor winter sports are skating, skiing, hockey, hunting.

There are new winter sports such as snowboarding.This sport becomes popular every year among young sportsmen.
Many people prefer to do sports in summer.
They are fond of swimming, yachting, diving and so on.
Football is the most popular game in the world.
It is the national sport of England.
FIFA World Cup is held every four years.
Some people go in for such sports as wrestling, gymnastics, boxing, arm-wrestling and others.
Aerobics is very popular among women.
Thanks to it, girls are healthy and slim.
Great attention is paid to the sport in the educational institutions.
Я так рада получить твое письмо.Это замечательно,чтоб чтение является твоим хобби!
Что касается меня,то я люблю читать книги и они играют очень важную роль в моей жизни.
К сожалению,у меня нет достаточно времени для чтения,потому что я занята учебой.Ямного читала летом,когда была на каникулах.Что касается моей любимой книги в детстве ,то это было Золушка.Я читала ее много раз.
Пиши скорее!
С любовью,
Dear Sveta,
I'm so happy to get your letter.It's wonderful that reading is your hobby!
As for me,i like reading and books play a very important role in my life.
Unfortunately i don't have enogh time for reading because i'm busy with my studies.I read a lot in summer when i'm on holiday.
As for my favourite book in my childhood,it was Cinderella.I read it a lot of times.
Write back soon!
With love,