Переведите на язык. моей мечты. он большой, в нем много комнат. этот дом яркий как радуга. в этом доме два этажа. так же рядом с домом есть бассейн он конечно не большой но летом поплавать можно. дом моей мечты мне нравится!
The house of my dreams. He is very big, there's plenty of room. This house is bright like a rainbow. This house has two floors. Also near the house there is a pool it is certainly not large but in the summer you can swim. My dream house I love it!
Дорогая Эмилия, за твое письмо. Было замечательно прочитать о твоем новом доме. Что касается моей новой школы, она очень большая! В ней есть три компьютерных класса и замечательные спортивные объекты. Действительно, она - прекрасное место, и я люблю учиться в ней. Дети в моем классе очень дружелюбны. Я уже завела некоторых новых друзей и часто встречаюсь с ними после уроков. В этом году у меня есть только один новый предмет. Это - экономика, и я начинаю в конце-концов думать, что она не трудная! Между прочим, какими музыкальными стилями ты наслаждаешься? Есть у тебя любимые группы? Хотела бы ты сходить на их концерт? Что касается меня, я предпочитаю Radiohead. Они прикольные! Мне надо идти сейчас. С большой любовью, Энн Dear Emily, Thank you for your letter. It was great to hear about your new house. As for my new school it's very big! It has three computer rooms and wonderful sport facilities. Actually, it seems a nice place and I enjoy studying there. The kids in my class are very friendly. I've already made some new friends and often meet after classes. I've got only one new subject this year. It's Economics and I'm beginning to think that it's not difficult, after all! By the way, what music styles do you enjoy? Have you got any favorite bands? Would you like to go to their concert? As for me, I prefer Radiohead. They are cool! I'd better go now. Lots of love, Ann
1. I did not see my friend Mike last summer. Actually, I did not see him since we leftschool. 2. You saw Liza in the last few days? – No, but I have seen her today. We are going outfor dinner. 3. You ever was to South America? – Yes, I‟ve been there several times. – Whenyou last went there? – A couple of months ago. I sometimes go there on business. 4. Elmer took hundreds of pictures when he was in Europe. 5. Helen was here earlier but I think now she already left. She usually leaves theoffice at 5 o'clock. 6. Patrick left the party early because he was sick. 7. –You ever ride a camel? – Yes, I rode a camel when I was in Egypt last year. 8. Erick had a lot of free time since he moved to Thailand. 9. Bob visited the White House when he was in Washington. 10. I was to the supermarket. Look, Ive bought a lot of things. ...