ответ:Sister Alenushka, Brother Ivanushka
A slightly absurd and morbid fairy tale, this story is nonetheless very popular with children. The younger brother, Ivanushka, continuously attempts to drink water from puddles, but his sister warns him that by doing so, he might end up as an animal. On his third try, Ivanushka does indeed turn into a goat. Yet even as a goat, Ivanushka manages to get into trouble and is taken by a Baba Yaga (a witch-like villain in Russian stories). The Baba Yaga proceeds to drown the sister, leaving both siblings in a bit of debacle. You’ll have to read the story to find out how the sister manages to ‘undrown’ and how the brother becomes human again.
1. 4.
2) chewed
3)was picked 2)two cm
4) been repaired 3) Tobacco
5) came 4) Story
6) be taught 5) the truth
7) made 6) a suitcase
8) isn't grown 7) a gun
9) is spoken 8)
10) be made 9)advive
11) has been made 10) a promise
12) grown 11)information
13)was invented 12) the change
14) was taken 13) the peace
14) the match
2) lost
4) lost
6) loose
2) No, they weren't
3)Mr. Marlin opened the first fish 'n' chip shop.
4)The first fish 'n' chip shop was opened in 1860
5)There are 8,000 fish 'n' chip shops now in Britain
7) No, they aren't usaully eaten from a plate.
8)No, now thay are usually wrapped in white paper.
Title- The Outsiders
play, book, or film? - Teen literature
characters- Greasers (Ponyboy Curtis, Johnny Cade, Dallas Winston, Sodapop Curtis, Two- Bit Matthews, Darrel Curtis, Steve Rendel) and Socialies (or Socs for short, Shephard Gand, Brumbly Boys)
events- Johnny kills a Soc (Bob) while defending Ponyboy. With help from Dallas they run away to theabandoned church on top of Jay Mountain. They spend a week there, then Dallas comesto visit, and takes them to Dairy Queen. While they are away a group of small children goes into the church, and the church sets on fire. When Dallas, Ponyboy, and Johnny drive back to the church, they see the fire. Ponyboy rans into the church to save the children, Johnny and Dally follow him in. They save the children. But Johnny ends badly burned, while Dally and Pony end up with minor injuries. The next night there is a rumble(A big fight between Socs and Greasers), in which the Socs loose. Johnny dies that night, and Dallas isn't able to take it, so he robs a store, carrying a heater(gun), and gets shot wit 6 bullets.
opinion- a really great book, interesting and sad.
2) shop car park
3) public car park
4) bus
5)shop door
7) door
1) Здесь говорят на испанском
забирайте свой мусор домой
3) Требуется офицант на неполный рабочей день
4) Мы исщим квалифицированого парикмахера
5) Мы не принимаем кредитные карточки
TUDEGRATI reaudit,reguard, garten,gaiter,beams,guitar,raider,sorting
CENTMAGHIFI chafe,eight,ethic,facet,faith,fetch, fiche,figch,teach,thief, ache