1. Fill in the sentences with the words: collapse, occur, flood, avalanche, rescue, book, extremely, set off, lift.
1) The big earthquake caused many buildings to collapse and people were left homelessness.
2) Can you, please, give me a lift to the airport tomorrow morning? I’d rather not take a taxi.
3) Drought will occur in an area when it hasn’t rained for an unusually long period of time.
4) We should set off on our trip before sunrise tomorrow, if we want to reach our destination by noon.
5) A terrible flood caused by three days of continuous rain has destroyed many houses.
За сделано 5 предложений.
Opinion essay, или эссе-мнение.
Основная черта этого текста - повествование от первого лица, в ходе которого вы должны аргументированно защитить свою определенную точку зрения на предмет темы. Главная задача - продемонстрировать собственные мысли и умение их обосновать.
1. Введение: своими словами изложите тему (проблематику) сочинения.
2. Основная часть: четко сформулируйте свой взгляд на проблему и/или предложите решение. В следующих предложениях основной части разверните мысль и обоснуйте свою позицию.
3. Заключение: подведите итоги, еще раз высказав свое мнение по теме, но используя немного другую формулировку (покажите знание синонимов).
Абзац 1. Вступление
Здесь должна быть постановка проблемы. Поскольку постановка проблемы уже изложена в задании, Ваша задача – грамотно её пересказать другими словами.
Последним предложением вступительного абзаца Вы должны поставить цель Вашего эссе, согласны вы с этим утверждением или нет, а также написать своё личное мнение. Это можно сделать, например, так:
« It is my own opinion that…
Абзац 2. Ваше мнение и 2, 3 аргумента в пользу вашего личного мнения.
Начать этот абзац логичнее всего с высказывания Вашей позиции касательно данного вопроса. Полезные фразы (обязательно соблюдайте данную пунктуацию!):
In my opinion, ...
From my point of view, ...
To my mind, ...
Далее надо дать 2-3 аргумента, подтверждающие Вашу точку зрения (примеры, доказательства). Аргументы могут быть любые, если Вы их грамотно истолкуете.
Если Вы начинали словом “Firstly, ...”, то второй аргумент следует начать словом Secondly, ..
В конце напишите самый важный аргумент. Thirdly,
Абзац 3. Противоположное мнение (именно вашему мнению)
Начинать абзац Вы будете с постановки противоположного мнения по предложенной теме или вопросу. Сделать это можно так:
Others believe that ...
Some people argue that ...
Далее следуют 1-2 аргумента, подтверждающие противоположное мнение.
Затем обязательно выразите своё мнение, почему вы не согласны с оппонентами.
However, in my opinion, ….
Абзац 4. Заключение
В заключении надо суммировать всё, о чем говорилось в эссе и выразить ещё раз свою точку зрения или объяснить почему вы правы. Самое главное: в заключении не должно быть никакой новой информации.
In conclusion,
Напишите эссе на тему: It is wrong to keep animals as pets.
1. Look for water and build a shelter. Most people start by looking for food, but it is a fact that almost all "lost" people are found in a matter of hours or a couple days. You can live for 2 weeks without food but only 3-4 days without water.
2. Calm down. The most important thing is to remain calm and think clearly. If you start panicking, you can lose control and end up losing your chance of survival. (You're not going to do so well if you've driven yourself mad.)
3. Evaluate your resources Do you have a source of fresh water? Do you have a long range radio, satellite phone, or other means of communication? Are there other people? People, if managed correctly, can be your greatest resource.
4. Act on all approved ideas together. Everyone in the group should work together to ensure that all needs are met, and to ensure that all resources available are put to good use.
5. Start a fire. This may seem like a trivial thing on a deserted island, but fire has a number of uses. At the very least, it is a morale booster. You have accomplished your first task, which is key for morale. Fire can also be used to distill water (more on that later), cook, and provide light for you and your rescuers. If you can't start a fire, don't worry, just move on to the next task and keep trying.
6. Build a shelter. A shelter provides a home base, somewhere warm and shady to sleep, a place for storing resources, and to hide from animals.
7. Look for water. Any source of water is good. As long as you have it, you can purify/desalinate it.
If fresh water is available, boil it for 2-3 minutes to be sure.
If you have a desalinazation device, great! If not, there are several methods to desalinate it.
One method is distillation. Construct a solar still, or one that works over a fire.
A solar still can be constructed by filling a large, flat container with salt water or even urine which can be re-usable, if need be.
+ Place a smaller container in the center with a rock in it to hold it still. Cover it with a thin sheet of plastic or whatever you have and place a rock in the center above the cup.
+ If placed in direct sunlight, water should evaporate and condense on the plastic running down and dripping into the smaller container.
For one that works over fire, create steam and condense that steam by using a piece of metal or glass in the steam that allows the condensed water to run into another container.
8.Arrange rocks or large objects on a clear path to signal for help. The recognized mountain distress signals are based on groups of three (six in the UK). A distress signal can be 3 fires or piles of rocks in a triangle, three blasts on a whistle, or three flashes of a light, in succession followed by a one minute pause and repeated until a response is received. Three blasts or flashes is the appropriate response. If you are clear view of boats attempt to make a large red X.
9.Find food. Food is the lowest priority. The human body can last for weeks without food. There are lots of edible roots and berries, but watch out! Some are poisonous. Only eat them if you are sure they are safe. The best, and most reliable source of food is bugs. Yes, bugs. They are everywhere and an excellent source of protein. If deciding to fish with the bugs instead, a hook can be fashioned by carving out a stick into a hook shape and putting a barb on it. Tie string to it and you're in business.
10.Try to make contact. Build big, unnatural looking shapes using bright colors and shiny things. Use a radio, if available, to contact possible rescuers. Use signal mirrors, fires and flashlights and whatever else to draw attention to yourself.