Write questions using the second conditional. Then ask and answer.
The Invisible Man
1 What (would you do) if (you became) invisible? I would play hide-and-seek.
The Book of Words
2 If (you travelled) back in time and meet Abai Kunanbaiuly, what (would you ask) him? I would ask him about The Book of Words.
The Dark Knight
3 If (you had) a special power, what (would it be)? I would be able to fly.
4 If (you were) a superhero, (would you tell) your friends? I would tell them not to be afraid of anything.
5 (Would you love) a person if (you discovered) he or she was a vampire? I would play hide-and-seek. I would feed them with meat.
это перевести? если да то вот: если я сделала неправильно прости((
Послушайте легенду о сотворении Земли и завершите резюме.Много лет назад здесь были только солнце и луна. Им было очень скучно и они сотворили землю. Они создали горы, деревья, животные и прочее. Они также создали человека. Солнце решило, что должны быть люди. Итак, люди построили и туннели, железные и автомобильные дороги. Они сажали овощи и зерновые.Когда люди спали по ночам, луна светила и ночью было не темно. Солнце и луна были счастливы видеть, что делают люди. Итак, вот как была создана земля.
2. She told us not to run along the corridor.
3. She told us not to make noise.
4. She told us not to look into our neighbours' exercise-books.
5. She told us not to lie on our desks.
6. She told us not to ask her silly questions.
7. She told us not to waste time at the lesson.
8. She told us to listen to her attentively.
9. She told us to write down the rule into our exercise-books.
10. She told us to get down to work.