My Speciality.
My speciality is a kindergarten teacher. This profession is one of the most important in modern society. Being a caregiver means reliving your childhood with the children over and over again. I consider love and kindness to be the main qualities of my profession. I love my job and I think the profession of a kindergarten teacher is the best for a woman.
Моя специальность. Моя специальность - воспитатель детского сада. Эта профессия является одной из важнейших в современном обществе. Быть воспитателем - значит снова и снова переживать детство с детьми. Главными качествами своей профессии я считаю любовь и доброту. Я люблю свою работу и считаю профессию воспитателя детского сада лучшей для женщины.
2. Some sugar. Two spoons of sugar.
3. A church. Two churches.
4. A team. Two teams.
5. Some bread. Three loaves of bread.
6. Some cheese. Four pieces of cheese.
7. A horse. Two horses.
8. Some coffee. Two cups of coffee.
9. A bicycle. Three bicycles.
10. (no komments:)
11. A boy. Three boys.
12. A lady. Three ladies.
13. A child. Three children.
14. Some lemonade. Four glasses of lemonade.
15. Some water. Two glasses of water.
16. A day. Five days.
17. Some tea. Three cups of tea.
18. Some milk. Three glasses of milk.
19. A goose. Two geese.
20. Some jam. Four jars of jam.
21. A mouse. Two mice.
22. Some meat. Two pieces of meat.