For cooking Ukrainian borsch you need the following products: pork, beef, sugar beet, potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage, carrots, onions, peppers, beans, parsley, garlic, fat, salt. Wash meat and put it to boil for half an hour. Cut carrots. Chop the onion. Fry carrots and onions in oil. Cut beet into strips and fry it in oil. Add the vinegar and tomato paste, mix thoroughly and cook for 8 minutes. Chop the cabbage and cut the potatoes. In an hour and a half, remove the meat from the pan; add potatoes into the boiling broth. Add salt and cabbage and cook them on low heat for 5 minutes. Then add the pieces of beet and cook for 10 minutes. Add the onion and carrot and cook. Add the garlic and bay leaf.
It happened when my friend and I were returning home from school. We heard someone plaintive meows, and when turned around, they saw: sitting on the tree and the cat can not get down. I suggested to a friend that we have removed it from the tree, but he refused, saying: "Why do you need it, it's not yours. It is better to go home. A cat who is a lift. " I climbed a tree. The cat climbed so high that I barely pulled it. Because of this incident, I had quarreled with his friend. When I came home, my mother, seeing that I have a torn jacket, I began to scold me. But when I told her that rescued the cat, she praised me. We must love all animals, not just their