Another language is another perception of the world. I'm sure in our time it's very important to know foreign languages. Some people learn languages because they need them for more successful work, others travel abroad, and for other ones it's just a hobby that brings them joy. People want to have excellent knowledge of languages in order to write their pen pals, or communicate with people from different countries, meet more new people and make friends. In addition, they want to read books of famous writers in the original, read newspapers and magazines, watch undubbed films and understand foreign songs. When they travel abroad the language helps them learn more about different events, people's lives, customs and traditions of those countries. Learning foreign languages broadens our horizons, people become more educated. In my opinion, languages are especially important for those who work in different fields of science and technology, politics. Foreign languages helps to learn your native language better. Nowadays, undoubtedly English has become an international language. About 300 million people speak it, as in their native language. As for me, I've been studying English since I was 7 years old. This language helps me a lot, I can speak with people from all over the world, make new friends and take part in international competitions in English. I like one saying by Goethe: "Anyone who does not know foreign languages does not know well his native language." I speak Russian, English, and Italian a little bit. And I'm very proud of it, because languages are my second life. I would like to learn German, French and Spanish, but this year I decided to learn Italian. You know, my child's dream is to be an interpreter and I'm sure I will. Personally, I think that knowing foreign languages today is absolutely necessary for every educated person, for every good specialist. Therefore, let's learn foreign languages and discover with their help many new and interesting things in life! Language is the way to the heart of man and the treasures of world culture, isn't it?
I like to play-мне нравится играть
I like to run-мне нравится бегать
I like to draw-мне нравится рисовать
I don't like to iron-мне не нравится утюжить
I don't like to make noise-мне не нравится шуметь
I don't like to vacuum-мне не нравится пылесосить