I. Подберите правильное окончание вопроса.
1. a)
2. c)
3. c)
4. b)
5. d)
II. Составьте разделительный вопрос .1 Bread is eaten every day
2 Books are taken in the library
3 Many houses are built in our city every year
4 Many interesting games are always played at our PE lessons
5 Hockey is played in winter
6 Mushrooms are gathered in autumn
7 Flowers are sold in shops and in the streets
8 Coffee is grown in Brazil
9 Letters and parcels are delivered by postmen in the afternoon every day
10 Chinese is spoken in Singapore
1 I show-I am showed
2 She brings-She is brought
3 We ask-We are asked
4 Friends answer- Friends are answered
5 Postmen send- Letters are sent
6 They give- They are given
7 A teacher helps-A pupil is helped
8 Rich people advise-Poor people are advised
9 He forgets-he is forgotten
10 A photographer remembers- His works are remembered
11 We invite- We are invited
12 An editor corrects-Writers are corrected
13 A vet treats- Animals are treated
14 He calls-He is called
15 People protect-Nature is protected
1 The stone circles are surrounded by a fence
2 Stonehenge is visited by many tourists every year
3 The mystery of different ancient buildings is solved by archaeologists
4 The stones are studied by scientists
5 Stones are transported by thousands of people to the sites
6 All the stones aren't damaged by visitors
7 Reports are written by the pupils every week
Приклад 1 (Як я провів літо)
Dear Michael,
Thank you for your recent letter. It is so wonderful to hear from you! I am very glad that you had a good vacation.
As for me, I also spent a wonderful vacation. First, I lived with my parents in the garden. The weather was hot and I swam a lot with my friends. We played soccer and rode bicycles.
And in August we went to Cyprus with my parents. It is a large island in the Mediterranean with a wonderful climate. We swam in the sea and were lying in the shade of huge eucalyptus trees. We traveled along the mountain paths and played tennis. Anyway, it was a memorable summer.
How did your academic year begin? There Are newcomers in your class? Any new subjects?
I’m sorry, I have to go to the sports section.
All the best!
Дорогий Майкл,
за твій останній лист. Так чудово отримати звістку від тебе! Я дуже радий, що у тебе були гарні канікули.
Що стосується мене, то я теж провів чудові канікули. Спочатку я жив з батьками в саду. Стояла спекотна погода і я з друзями багато купався. Ми грали в футбол і каталися на велосипедах.
А в серпні ми з батьками поїхали відпочивати на Кіпр. Це великий острів у Середземному морі з чудовим кліматом. Ми купалися в морі і лежали в тіні величезних евкаліптів. Ми подорожували по гірських стежках і грали у великий теніс. У всякому разі, це було незабутнє літо.
Як ти почав навчання? Є новенькі в класі? А нові навчальні предмети?
Вибач, мені пора йти в спортивну секцію.
Всього найкращого!
Приклад 2 (Про улюблену книгу)
Dear Tom,
Thank you for your letter. I’m happy to get it.
I agree with you that it’s a pleasure to turn over the pages of a book in a bookshop when choosing it. Besides you can read the fragments and look at the pictures.
As for my favourite novel, it is One Hundred Years of Solitude» by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. It’s about the Buendia family who lives in South America. The novel is full of mysterious events and the characters have magical abilities. I think that the most important thing in a novel is its plot because it helps us to follow the characters and analyze their behavior.
Well, are you going to take part in the quiz show? What tasks will there be in the show? Where will it take place?
Take care!
Best wishes,
Дорогий Те!
Дякую за твій лист. Я щаслива, що отримала його.
Я згодна з тобою, що приємно гортати сторінки книги в книжковому магазині, коли вибираєш її. Крім того, ти можеш читати фрагменти книги і дивитися в ній фотографії.
Що стосується мого улюбленого роману, це «Сто років самотності» Габріель Гарсія Маркес. Мова йде про сім’ї Буэндиа, які живуть у Південній Америці. Роман сповнений таємничих подій і персонажів, у яких є магічні здібності. Я думаю, що самим головним у романі є сюжет, тому що він допомагає нам слідувати за персонажами і аналізувати їх поведінку.
З найкращими побажаннями,
1. a.
2. c.
3. c.
4. b.
5. d.
1. wasn't it?
2. aren't there?
3. won't he?
4. doesn't he?
5. doesn't it?
1. aren't you? Yes, I am.
2. don't we? Yes, we do.
3. didn't he? No, he didn't.
4. can't you? Yes, I can.
5. won't they? Yes, they will.