He had done his lessons by five o’clock and at five he was playing football in the yard. 2. Was Gerry at home when you arrived? – No he had gone to school. 3. My parents had come home by seven o’clock and at seven we were having dinner. 4. His father looked tired as he had worked hard before. 5. By eight o’clock I had learnt a poem and at eight o’clock I was watching TV. 6. When he saw me I was reading the newspaper which I had bought in the street. 7. Beth had just gone home when I phoned her. 8. When Alison entered the house she saw that her son was playing with a ball, which she had bought in the shop. 9. They arrived to the theatre late. The play had already begun. 10. When I came into her room she was playing the piano which her father had bought.
Nick is (happier, the happiest) boy that I know. – Ник – самый счастливый мальчик, которого я знаю.
Of the six cars, I like the silver one (better, best). – Из шести машин мне нравится серебристая больше всего.
Jane’s notebook is (cheaper, the cheapest) than mine. – Ноутбук Джейн дешевле, чем мой.
This is (more delicious, the most delicious) cheese-cake I have ever had! – Это самый вкусный чизкейк, который я пробовала!
This bookcase is (more beautiful, the most beautiful) than that one. – Этот книжный шкаф красивее, чем тот.
Do you feel (better, the best) today than yesterday? – Ты чувствуешь себя лучше сегодня, чем вчера?
I think my cat is (prettier, the prettiest) of all the cats in the world. – Думаю, что моя кошка – самая красивая кошка в мире.
Steve Jobs is (more famous, famouser) than Stephen Wozniak. – Стив Джобс более известен, чем Стивен Возняк.
This week the weather is (hotter, more hot) than last week. – На этой неделе погода жарче, чем на неделе.
Our new house is (more expensive, expensiver) than the old one. – Наш новый дом дороже, чем старый.
Girls are usually (cleaner, more clean) than boys. – Девочки обычно более чистые, чем мальчики.
Chemistry was (harder, the hardest) subject at school. – Химия была самым трудным предметом в школе.
Те слова,которые я выделил жирным,черным шрифтом являются верныи ответом.