1.the place where you go when you arrive at the
airport with your luggage?
2. the card they give you with a seat number on it?
3. the money you have to pay if your luggage is very
4. the place where you sit and have a drink when you
are waiting for your flight to be called?
5. the bags you carry onto the plane with you?
6. the place above your head where you can put your
hand luggage?
7. the part of the airport where the plane accelerates
and takes off?
8. the people who look after you on the plane?
9. the part of the airport you walk through when you
arrive or depart?
10.the place where you collect your luggage after you
лимон,мороженое,морские водоросли,соль,сахар,наполнитель, шелк,перец, роза: