Think, at many is the morning of Monday begun with the question of colleagues : "As conducted a weekend"? or "As did rest"? Before I conducted ordinary, by nothing not notable weekend. And then for some reason it became me a bit sadly. Besides and resting I not very felt. I decided since, that a weekend I will conduct actively and with a benefit for business.Итак, what is it possible to take up in a weekend? I offer a city Санкт-Птетербург for rest. Often is there a question - what exactly in these two days the best of all to visit and look? Choice first of all after in.
Good friends listen to each other.
Good friends don't put each other down or hurt each other's feelings.
Good friends try to understand each other's feelings and moods.
Good friends help each other solve problems.
Good friends give each other compliments.
Good friends can disagree without hurting each other.
Good friends are dependable.
Good friends respect each other.
Good friends are trustworthy.
Good friends give each other room to change.
Good friends care about each other.