I really like to read legends, it's very interesting and exciting.Robert Plus was born July 11, 1274 - June 7, 1329) King of Scotland (1306-1329), one of the greatest Scottish monarchs, organizer of the country's defense in the initial period of the War of Independence against England, founder of the Bruce royal dynasty.I really like to read legends, it's very interesting and Most of all I liked the third part of the legend.
Я не знаю правильно это или нет но думаю что это правильно если нет прости
1) I prefer reading best-sellers. I prefer that, because in my opinion it is easier to reading ;)
2) I prefer books and films with happy ending. For example Harry Potter. I can't imagine that book and film with sad ending.
3) My favourite character from film is Johny Depp. He played in 'Pirates of the Caribbean' and in 'Edward Scissorhands' and also 'Sleepy Hollow' . These are my favourite films!
4) It was in Harry Potter. That enchantments and as well as dressing themselves were really great!
5) Hmmm.. It depends. It's difficult to small kids, but it is sometimes better than reader, because he sometimes twisting the words...