The main cause of air pollution is that Almaty is located at the foot of Zailiyskiy Alatau with heights over 4000 meters in the vicinity of the city, and mountain glaciers. The high altitude, the accumulation of snow and ice, leads to the fact that down through the valleys into the city drains very cold air that creates the city's temperature inversion. Another, no less serious cause of air pollution of Almaty specialists associated with reckless construction of high rise buildings that have become a barrier to mountain-valley air circulation. The dominance of transport is also a significant source of air pollution in Almaty.
1. No, I didn't. I didn't stay at home.I went to my grandmother who lives in the countryside in a village. 2. I went fishing with my grandfather, then I played with my friends outdoors, swam in the river during the last weekend. 3.Yes, I was very happy. I spent a fantastic weekend in the village. 1. Нет. Я не остался дома.Я поехал к бабушке, которая живет в деревне. 2. Я ходил на рыбалку с дедушкой, потом играл с друзьями на природе, плавал в реке в последние выходные. 3. Да, я был очень счастлив. Я провел фантастические выходные в деревне.
- Well, let's stop and talk on the subject if you insist. I say, it's unnecessary to keep your private diary at school. The better alternative is an online diary. - How, pray tell, you imagine children reporting to their parents about their good or bad marks? I as a parent always ask my child to show me his diary daily. Well, I need to know the answer. - You see, there are much more advantages in keeping the online diary than you think. Regarding your concern, your child won't even need to report to you, and you won't have him reply to your "Where is your dairy? Show me it now"... - Hey, you two! Stop speaking and get back to work!
Another, no less serious cause of air pollution of Almaty specialists associated with reckless construction of high rise buildings that have become a barrier to mountain-valley air circulation.
The dominance of transport is also a significant source of air pollution in Almaty.