ответ: 1. We escorted him to the airport.
2. We had to stop our trip because we ran out of gas.
3. She wanted to wear a new dress.
4. I don't like to put things off.
5. The conference was canceled at the last moment.
6. I'll look it up in the dictionary.
7. He filled out the form and signed it.
8. He decided to continue the lecture.
9. We all asked him to stop Smoking.
10. I just tried on these shoes. It's not my size.
11. She turned off the TV because the children hadn't learned their lessons yet.
12. The old man asked everyone to speak up.
13. The police officer signaled to stop, but the driver kept driving.
14. Don't forget to return the disk you took from your friend.
15. The boy said that he wanted to enroll in the tennis section.
16. Winter came. It's time to put away the summer things.
17. Old people often remember the past and are sad.
18. It is very important to extinguish the fire in the first minutes.
19. I couldn't turn on the TV because I forgot to plug it in.
20. Never go back to where you were happy.
2.1 Present Perfect так как Pam не имела опыта бывать в том месте 2.2 в Past Simple так как Паул присоединился в времени 2.3 Future Simple так как Сью покажет фотографии в будущем времени, когда будут доработаны 2.4 Present Simple так как это факт, который действителен в настоящем времени 2.5 Кейт ждет в настоящем времени, сейчас, и не может дождаться - Present Simple 2.6 Паул планирует на будущее, даже если это будущее, все планы выражаются во времени Present Continuous 2.7 Past simple и past continuous - они заблудились тогда, в времени; Пятое задание состоит полностью из советов, а советы выражаются через повелительное наклонение. Повелительное наклонение выражается в английском в Present Simple.
2 - а
3 - в
4 - а
5 - с