Present Perfect:1They have gone-Они ушли2 She has already finished-Она уже закончила3 I have been to London-Я был в Лондоне4 We have played -Мы сыграли5 He has come- Он пришел6 Bill has eaten his sandwich -Билл съел свой сэндвич7 Mary has already read the book- Мэри уже прочитала книгу8 We have told them-Мы рассказали им9 He has written a number of letters-Он написал несколько писем10 They have left us a message- Они оставили нам сообщениеPresent Perfect1.It has been raining all day long. 2.Sorry, I haven't been listening to you. 3.Your clothes are all dirty. 4.How long have you owned this house?.5.She has been thinking about your offer all night long.6.I have been having strange dreams for about three weeks.
1. As a boy Darwin loved to walk in the countryside, collecting insects, flowers and minerals.
to walk: object дополнение
2. Darwin went in the ship to see the animals and plants of other lands.
to see: an adverbial modifier of purpose обстоятельство цели
3. The experiment to be carried out in the laboratory is very necessary.
to be carried out: attribute определение