Образование Present Simple глагол без частицы to, либо же добавить к нему окончание –s/es для 3 лица единственного числа, т.е. он, она, оно – he, she, it;
Утвердительные предложения:I play We play You play
He / she / it plays
They play
Вопросительные предложения:
Do I play? Do we play? Do you play? Does he / she / it play? Do they play?
Отрицательные предложения: I do not play We do not play You do not play He / she / it does not play They do not play
Ключевые слова, указывающие, что тут надо использовать PRESENT SIMPLE
I play football every Monday.- я играю в футбол каждый понедельник.
She swims very well. - Она плавает очень хорошо. //Привычные, повторяющиеся регулярно действия в настоящем
They do not watch TV in the evening.- они не смотрят телевизор вечером. He does not like reading. - ему не нравится читать //Привычные, повторяющиеся регулярно действия в настоящем, указывающие на present simple Do you swim well? - ты плаваешь хорошо? // Хобби, привычки, обычаи и традиции Does he play football every day? - он играет в футбол каждый день?
Dear Mary, Hi! How are you? I`m on holiday in California and i thougt I`d drop you a line to tell you all about it. we`re staying in a big luxurious and beautiful hotel. It`s near the Venice beach. Right now i`m on the beach with my dad. My mum and sister always go shopping together. Bet me and my dad don`t like it very much. The Venice beach is a wonderful place to have a rest. We`ve already done all sorts of exciting things. Yesterday we`ve been to the Disneyland. It was increadibly interesting for me on the other hand it was so tiring. Then I`ve seen a huhe and wonderful sign of Hollywood in the high hills of LA. We`ve bought many great and lovely souvenirs oo. It was a marvelus vacation for me and my family. Well that`s all for now. Please write me soon. Love