1. A hypertensive patient complains of heartache.
2. The nurse observes the patient's condition.
3. Some patients are nervous when they see doctors.
4. Our ward nurse makes injections very well.
5. The doctor did not examine this patient.
6. Во время лихорадки больному нужно тепло.
7. Он пропишет мне новые таблетки.
8. Я вызвал врача по телефону.
9. Симптомом лихорадки является потеря аппетита.
10. A nurse must carry out the doctor's prescription.
11. Anemia may be a cause of hypotension.
12. A hypertensive patient complains of headaches.
13. Our nurse is never rude to the patients.
15. Моя мама решила вызвать врача.
16. Регулярно принимайте это лекарство.
17. В тяжѐлых случаях может быть бред.
18. Этот пациент хорошо себя чувствует.
She stopped when I came into the room. (talking)
Her watch stopped so she tried the battery. (changing)
He tried the sofa but couldn’t because it was too heavy. (to move)
When he read all those awful reports he stopped red meat.(eating)
Patrick stopped some photos of the country. (to take)
Hey, stop at me. It’s not my fault. (shouting)
Your office is a bit dark, try some light. (adding)
I stopped at the traffic lights while there are no cars. (to wait)
All his friends tried him. (to help)