Usually the Ghost is white and transparent like tulle. It is light and shapeless. He has black eyes and a red mouth. It has no legs or hands. It looks like a sheet. It can fly. Usually, you can not see it. You can meet it only in a fairy tale. It can not hurt you. :) it can appear suddenly. It can goes through the walls.
Обычно Призрак белый и прозрачный, как тюль. Он легкий и бесформенный. У него черные глаза и красный рот. У него нет ни ног, ни рук. Он Похож на простыню и может летать. Обычно ты его не видишь. Ты можешь Встретить его только в сказке. Он не может навредить тебе. :) призрак может появиться внезапно, а также может проходить сквозь стены.
2) If this book wan`t so expensive, Iwould buy it.
3) If we could afford going out often, we would do this.
4) If I didn`t have to work, I would meet you tomorrow.
5) If It wasn`t raining, We would have lunch outside.
6) If I wanted his advice, I would ask for it.
7) If he didn`t live near his work, He would always be late.
8) If his French was bad, He wouldn`t read French books in the original.
9) If they didn`thave a maid, they wouldn`t enjoy themselves.
10) If she didn`t go to bed early, She wouldn`t always wake up in time.
2) with
3) to
4) by
5) at