This summer I'll go to a summer camp in June. I will also visit a lot of my relatives and friends. I am going to play some computer games if the weather is rainy. I am going to read some books we were told at school to read in summer. I am going to go to the park with my friends or my family in July. I'm also going to ride my bike in summer. Well, in August I am going to visit my Granny who lives near the Black Sea. We will go there with my mum. I'll swim in the sea and go on some excursions. I hope my summer holidays will be exciting!
Развивая такую невероятную скорость, он не может соревноваться на длительных дистанциях: гепард - спринтер. На максимальной скорости зверь бежит прыжками длиной 6—8 м, затрачивая на каждый прыжок меньше 0,5 секунды. Во время забега частота его дыхания возрастает до 150 раз в минуту. В скобках скажу, что, конечно, за такой дар надо платить, - ибо подобные нагузки не проходят бесследно, - бывают случаи, когда гепард, пробежав с огромной скоростью несколько сот метров, просто терял сознание и потом очень долго приходил в себя.
Без понятия, подойдет или нет.
На английском:
No animal in the world is able to catch up with the cheetah at short distances. One experiment showed that this beast can accelerate to 84 km / h in 4 seconds, while the car "Ferrari" achieves a similar result in only 5 seconds. This is not the limit of its capabilities: the recorded record was 114 km / h!
Developing such an incredible speed, he can not compete for long distances: a cheetah - a sprinter. At maximum speed, the beast runs 6-8 m long, jumping for less than 0.5 seconds per jump. During the race, the frequency of his breathing increases to 150 times per minute. In parentheses I will say that, of course, you have to pay for such a gift - for such nudges do not pass without a trace, - there are times when a cheetah, having run at a speed of several hundred meters, simply lost consciousness and then came to himself for a long time.