1. twin
2. orphan
3. graduate
5. toddler
6. infant
7. tween
Вставленные слова:
infant - a baby or a very young child(младенец или очень маленький(в плане возраста) ребёнок)
orphan - a child whose parents are dead(ребёнок, чьи родители умерли. Проще говоря - сирота.)
toddler - a young child, especially one who is learning or has recently learned to walk(маленький(в плане возраста) ребёнок, который учится/недавно научился ходить)
graduate - a person who has finished their school, college, or university education(человек, который окончил обучение в школе/колледже/университете. Проще говоря - выпускник)
tween - a child between the ages of approximately eight and twelve(ребёнок в возрасте примерно от 8 до 12 лет)
twin - either of two children born to the same mother on the same occasion (один из двух детей, рождённый от одной и той же матери за один раз. Проще говоря - близнец.)
Переводы предложений:
1.У близнеца есть брат или сестра с той же датой рождения.
2. Сирота - ребёнок, оставшийся без родителей.
3. Когда ты заканчиваешь университет, ты - выпускник.
4. После выхода на пенсию вы становитесь пенсионером и получаете деньги от государства.
5. Малыш - это ребёнок в возрасте от двух до четырёх лет.
6. Младенец - это ребёнок в возрасте до одного года.
7. Твин - ребёнок, который ещё не подросток(возраст около 10-12 лет).
An interview with the student
— Hello! Could you introduce yourself?
— Hello! My name is Sean, I’m 21 years old. I’m from Glasgow and study in the Medical University.
— Sean, why did you choose the medicine?
— Actually, I began to think about my future when I was studying at school. I thought over about the sphere I want to work. Moreover, it was important to me to be useful in my profession. My parents didn’t work as doctors, but my grandfather was a respected and experienced surgeon. He expected that his son would continue his medical way but my father chose jurisprudence. In my childhood I spent more time at my grandparents’ and I liked to look through medical books from my grandfather’s library. He showed me pictures and told about the importance of medicine, health, about human structure, skeleton, parts of body and many others. In the end I realized that all I’d like was to help people like he did. It was a responsible step for me, and my parents supported me and my grandpa was really glad.
— What a wonderful story! What attracted you to this University?
— I was sent some medical courses in the University of Glasgow and I liked a special atmosphere for studying. Besides, I live in Glasgow and it’s no need to leave my family. And I continued to get my education here.
— I have an impression that you have to do a lot.
— Yes, I have to do a lot of studying. And I try to spend my free time with advantage and I’m a very active person.
— What are you doing except University classes?
— I do a lot of sports, play football, and go surfing in summer, skiing in winter. I use time management. I have a schedule where all my dos are written. And it really helps me.
— Ok. And my last question is now. Are you going to get a surgeon like your grandfather?
— Oh, my father considers a profession of dentist is more preferable. To be a surgeon is harder, you should be concentrated and discreet. And you have no right to make a mistake. But I’m sure I will cope. Well, I decided to be a surgeon, right.
— Thank you, Sean. It was pleasant to talk with you. I wish you success in studying.
— Me too, thanks. Good bye!
— Good bye!
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