1. Steve will make a report at the conference.
Active vocie, future simple
2. He often asks me to help them.
Active voice, present simple
3. Don't come in! The professor is examining students.
Active voice, present continuous
4. When the fire brigade came, the fire had destroyed the building.
Active voice, past perfect
5.The secretary was looking through morning mail.
Active voice, past continuous
6. John will have received the papers by tomorrow.
Active voice, future perfect
7.The letters are often written by him with a pencil.
Passive voice, present simple
8.This lecture will be attended by the students next week.
Passive voice, future simple
9. The grass is being cut now in the garden.
Passive voice, present continuous
10. The supper had already been prepared when we came.
Passive voice, past perfect
Не были использваны:
Active voice past simple
Active voice future continuous
Active voice present perfect
Passive voice past simple
Passive voice past continuous
Passive voice future continuos
I think we had better call the police
Есть список глаголов после которых используется только герундий, список - после которых инфинитив с частицей TO и список глаголов после которых следует инфинитив без частицы TO.
Инфинитив без частицы to употребляется в следующих случаях:
1 после глаголов чувственного восприятия see, hear, notice, watch, feel;
2 Инфинитив без частицы to используется после глаголов let, make, help (в конструкции «сложное дополнение»):
3после модальных выражений would rather, had better:
4 в разговорной конструкции Why not do smth:
2. a pint of milk - (a third of) a pint of milk (every day) - во втором абзаце конец второго предложения
3. time to walk and play - time to come out and play - четвертый абзац конец второго предложения