This is a very good French restaurant! Large selection of dishes and friendly waiters. In the next hall, the orchestra played beautiful classical music. They brought us a wonderful steak of medium rare and spaghetti with sauce. And it was all very inexpensive. With pleasure I will come to this restaurant again!
Это очень хороший французский ресторан! Большой выбор блюд и доброжелательные официанты. В соседнем зале оркестр играл красивую классическую музыку. Нам принесли чудесный стей средней прожарки и спагетти с соусом. И всё это было очень недорого. С радосьтю приду в этот ресторан ещё раз!
My holidays, as usual, I spent with my grandmother in the village. I love to live there. Next to the house there is a small forest and a river. We swam and sunbathed, walked in the forest,went hiking, had picnics and, of course, I helped my grandmother in the garden. August was the most interesting month. Finally, my dream came true, and my parents and I went to (напиши любой город). It was great! It was the first time when I flew by plane! We ate out in a restaurant, walked around a park, visited many museums and saw a lot of art exhibitions, went to a fontain.The second half of August I was at home.