On what country did the colonies in America declare a war? - The colonies in America declare a war on Great Britain. What country won the Revolutionary War? When was it? - America won the Revolutionary war in 1783. What problem did the young country face after the war? - They had a problem: they needed one strong national government. Where was the US Constitution written? Who wrote it? - The US Constitution was written in 1787 by the representatives of the US states. Why can the US government be compared with a tree? - The US government like a tree with a strong trunk and the three branches. The trunk is the people. It holds up the tree: without the support of people there can be no government. What is the US Congress? How is it divided? How many people does each state send to the Senate? Does the number of senators depend on the size of the state? - The US Congress is a meeting of representatives fromm all states. It is divided into two parts, the Senate and the House of Representatives. Each state sends two people to the Senate. The number of senators doesn't depend on the size of the state. Do all states send people to the House of Representatives? What does the number of people depend on? - Yes, all states send people to the House of Representatives. The number of the congressmen from each state depends on the number of people who live in the state.
Dear Polina, In your last letter, you asked me to tell you about your pets. Well, I can talk for hours on this topic. I only have one pet and it's a cat. She's only 2 years old. During this time I managed to love her very much. It is funny and very active, so in the evening it is constantly worn around our apartment.
I'm fine, from last time no change. Next month I take exams. After that, I'm really looking forward to a trip to St. Petersburg. I like traveling very much. Unfortunately, I have not had much time to visit, but in the future I would very much like to visit Japan or Paris.
I would really like to know what you plan to do next week. I am looking forward to your letter.