There_was_ a glass of juice on the table a minute ago.There_were___ five little kittens in the box last night.There___was_ a telephone in the hall yesterday.There__were__ three nice birds in the tree five minutes ago.There__was__ a big yellow lemon on the dish an hour ago There__was__ a bottle of deer in the fridge yestarday evening Therewere_ four French textbooks in the schoolbag yestarday Therewas_ an old fridge in the kitchenn last year There__were___ six girls and boys in the yard two hours ago
hello. I am 14. I have a family. I have a mother, father, two aunts, two uncles, grandmother, sister and brother. My mother's name is Parduz, my dad Dagir, my aunts Diana and Fairuz, my uncles name Muratby and Hassan, my grandmother called Raisa Tohtarovna, my sister name is Zohra brother Dahir. Перевод: привет. мне 14 . я имею семью. я имею маму, отца,2 теть ,2 дяди, бабушка , сестру с брата. Мою маму зовут Пардуз, Моего папу Дагир, моих теть Диана и Файруз, моих дядей зовут Муратбий и Хасан ,мою бабушку зовут Раиса Тохтаровна, мою сестру зовут Зухра, брата Дахир .