Строить - irregular (irr) рисовать - ragular (r) вторгаться - r становиться - irr жить - r нести - r иметь - irr побеждать - irr видеть - irr начинать - r
Our boss said that he sighned the agreement with this firm next Friday.We were told, that our director left for England last week.The manager said, that we can rely on this experienced accountant.We understood, that wholesaling provided channels of distribution, which help to bring goods to the market.I said that I had to send my documents by post 3 weeks ago.After World War II license trade flourished.The patent gave its owner the right to produce, use and sell the products.
Наш босс сказал, что он подписал соглашение с этой фирмой в следующую пятницу.Нам сказали, что наш директор уехал в Англию на неделе.Менеджер сказал, что мы можем полагаться на этот опытный бухгалтер.Мы поняли, что оптовая при условии, каналы распределения, которые доставлять товары на рынок.Я сказал, что я должен был отправить свои документы по почте 3 недели назад.После торговли лицензии Второй мировой войны процветал.Патент дает его владельцу право производить, использовать и продавать продукцию.
Kazakh music is rural, and is closely related to Uzbek and Kyrgyz folk forms. Travelling bards, healers and mystics called akyn are popular, and usually sing either unaccompanied or with a string instrument, especially a dombra or kobyz as well as kyl-kobyz, sherter, sybyzgy, saszyrnay and shankobyz; the most common instrumental traditions are called kobizovaia, sibiz-govaia, and dombrovaia. WHAT IS A DOMBRA?The dombra is a Kazakh stringed musical instrument played by plucking. It has a wooden frame and two strings.
Many traditional songs are played with dombra, which is closely linked to nomadic life. It evokes the first pages of Kazakhstan’s history and became a link stretching across generations. As famous poet Kadir Mirzaliev said “real Kazakh is not Kazakh, real Kazakh is dombra!”. Kazakh people still respect and play this instrument. In any Kazakh home you will find at least one dombra player. Dombra varies in length, neck, shape of corpus and amount of frets according to the region. In western Kazakhstan you will find long, thin neck, pear-shaped dombras with 13-14 frets. Dombra in Central Kazakhstan has a wide and short neck, a triangle form, with 6-8 frets.