I like the athlete - Fedor Emelianenko. He is a fighter of mixed martial arts. He is the winner of many championships. In the sports world he is called the "Last Emperor". Fedor is a very strong and courageous fighter. Many times he defeated the enemy, much more than himself. Fedor's tactics of fighting is shock and painful techniques. I am proud that Fedor is Russian by nationality. He was born in the city of Stary Oskol.
Мне нравится спортсмен - Фёдор Емельяненко. Он является бойцом смешанных единоборств. Он является победителем многих первенств. В спортивном мире его называют "Последний император". Фёдор очень сильный и мужественный борец. Много раз он побеждал противника, намного больше его самого. Тактика борьбы у Фёдора ударная и болевые приёмы. Я горжусь тем, что Фёдор русский по национальности. Родился он в городе Старый Оскол.
1. Kim asks: "Do you like watching cartoons?" Kim asks if I like watching cartoons
2. Kim asks: "What does she usually buy in the shop?" Kim asks what she usually buys in the shop
3. Kim asks: "Where are my parents?" Kim asks where are his/her parents.
4. Kim asks: "Can Jill help to plant the flowers?" Kim asks If Jill can help to plant the flowers.
5. Kim asks: "How old are you?" Kim asks how old I am.
6. Kim asks: " Where I can get recommendations?" Kim asks where He/she can get recommendations.
7. Kim asks: "What time does he catch the bus on Wednesday. Kim asks what time he catches the bus om Wednesday.
Не міняємо часів ,бо дієслово стоїть в Present Simple (теперішньому часі) - asks. (а не asked)
i will take mittens, a sweater, a hat, a jacket and sunglasses