Pr.Simple + I (you, we, they) work a lot./ +He (she, it) works a lot. - I (you, we, they) don’t work a lot/ - He (she, it) doesn’t work a lot. ? Do I (you, we, they) work a lot? / Does he (she, it) work a lot?
Past Simple + They worked hard yesterday. - They didn’t work hard yesterday. ? Did they work hard yesterday?
Future Simple + He will work a lot tomorrow. - He won’t work a lot tomorrow. ? Will he work a lot tomorrow?
Pr. Cont. + I am reading now. - I am not reading now. ? Am I reading now?
Pete is going to win the gane. Pete isn't going to win the game. Is Pete going to win the game?
Утвердительную 1. I ( did) morning exercises. 2. He ( worked) at a factory. 3. She ( sleept) after dinner. 4. We ( worked) part-time. 5. They drank) tea yesterday. 6. Mike (was) a student. 7. Helen ( had) a car. вопросительную 1. Did I ( do) morning exercises? 2. Did he ( work) at a factory? 3. Did she (sleep) after dinner? 4. Dis we (work) part-time? 5. Did they ( drink) tea yesterday? 6. Was Mike a student? 7. Did Helen ( have) a car? отрицательную 1. I (didn't do) morning exercises. 2. He (didn't work) at a factory. 3. She (didn't sleep) after dinner. 4. We (didn't work) part-time. 5. They ( not to drink) tea yesterday. 6. Mike (wasn't) a student. 7. Helen (didn't have) a car.