1. When travelling (Participle I, обстоятельство) round the USA we can visit the largest and the most beautiful cities: New York, Los Angeles, Chicago and others. Путешествуя по США, мы сможем побывать на крупнейших и красивейших городах: Нью-Йорке, Лос-Анджелесе, Чикаго и других.
2. The Cordillera and the Rocky Mountains are well known (Participle II, определение) mountains of the North American continent. Кордильеры и скалистые горы хорошо известные горы североамериканского континента.
3. The bridge was broken (Participle II, часть глагольного сказуемого) with the thunder. Мост был разрушен во время грозы (грома).
4. Having lived (Participle I и II, обстоятельство) in New York for many years he knew the city well. Прожив в Нью-Йорке в течение многих лет, он хорошо знал город.
Electronic or paper books...Hmmm it is a good and interesting question.Never asked myself this kind of question.Ok,let's talk about it,let us pass to the main.Firstly i think that books have an important place in our life. Because with their help we can know more and more new information.And of course this will all be useful for us.And now there are 2 kinds of riding.We can read them live or read them in electronic view.One of the reasons for this is that if you read a book live then you can feel the fragrance of a new book to worry about the heroes because it's all so natural .I think it is more interesting to read books live than in electronic view.
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