2.34 Complete the conversation with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Then listen and check.
A: Can I ask you a few questions?
B: Yes, sure.
A: OK, first question: what would you do (do) if you (won) a TV talent show?
B: Wow! I think I'd have a huge party with all my friends and family!
A: And if you 3. (had) a party, where would you (have) it?
B: I'd definitely have it on a beach, if I could!
A: OK, second question. If you 5. (could) be famous, what 6 would you (be)?
B: I don't know. I'd like to be a singer maybe.
A: OK. Last question. If you 7. (did not have to) go to school, what would you (do) all day?
B: That's easy! I'd play my guitar, listen to music and spend time with my friends!
A: Thank you!
3 Complete the conversations with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1 A: I'm following the seafood diet at the moment.
B: The seafood diet? I 1 (have never heard) of that one.
A: It's pretty easy, really. Whenever I 2 (see) food, I 3 (eat) it!
2 A: What 4 (are you doing), Julia?
B: I 5 (am making) some lunch for us. It shouldn't be long. 6 (Do you think) these eggs will be hard-boiled yet?
A: Well, I don't know. How long 7 (have you been boiling) them for?
B: About an hour.
A: An hour? | 8 (think) they might be done, yes. In fact, I think we might have trouble eating them unless you've got a hammer.