Not long ago computers were considered an amazing invention. Today they form part of our everyday life. The latest thing today is Virtual Reality. A Virtual Reality system can transport the user to exotic locations such as a beach in Hawaii or the inside of the human body.
The Virtual Reality system is still in the early stages of its development. At the moment it is necessary to put a large helmet on your head to see the simulated world and you have to wear a special glove on your hand in order to manipulate the objects you see there. Lenses and two miniature display screens inside the helmet create the illusion that the screen surrounds you on every side.
You can «look behind» computer— generated objects, pick them up and examine them, walk around and see things from a different angle.
Already today Virtual Reality is used in medicine. In hospitals, surgeons could plan operations by first «travelling» through the brain, heart or lungs without damaging the body. It is also used in police training schools. In schools pupils could explore the Great Pyramid or study molecules from the inside. Developers of Virtual Reality say its potential is powerful.
On the one hand - virtual reality step towards progress on an enormous scale, but on the other hand, maybe it would have a negative impact on people. A striking example of this - computer addiction. But it is already a virtual reality plays an important role not only as entertainment, but also performs many useful functions. I think this is an industry technology that must be developed.
Мы живем в прекрасном городе. Я очень люблю его и, конечно же, хочу, чтобы он становился все лучше и лучше. Каждый день наша жизнь меняется, меняется и облик городов, в особенности таких важных и больших, как наш.
Мне нравится, что он растет и облагораживается, становится таким красивым и современным: улицы — просторнее и чище, тротуары выложены разноцветной плиткой, а вдоль них тянутся аккуратные зеленые газоны. По вечерам весь город освещается многочисленными фонарями, и думаю, что в дальнейшем в его украшение будет вкладываться еще больше фантазии. Я словно вижу Донецк, состоящий из прозрачных зданий. На всех площадях и в сквериках, перед каждым солидным зданием будут бить чудесные фонтаны, один лучше другого. Струи их будут разноцветными, а вокруг в течение всего дня будет звучать музыка, наполняя город соответствующим настроением. Днем это будут веселые, жизнерадостные мелодии, а вечером — спокойные, романтические.
We live in a beautiful city. I love it and, of course, want him to become better and better. Every day our lives are changing, and the appearance of cities, especially the important and large as ours.
I like that it grows and improves, it is so beautiful and modern: the streets - more spacious and cleaner sidewalks lined with colored tiles, and they are drawn along the neat green lawns. In the evening, the whole city is illuminated with numerous lanterns, and I think that in the future in its decoration will invest even more imagination. I like seeing Donetsk, consisting of transparent buildings. In all areas and in the square in front of each building will be a solid beat marvelous fountains, one better than the other. Jet to be colored, and around the whole day will be music, filling the city the mood. Day it will be funny, lively melodies, and in the evening - quiet, romantic.