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Where I Would Like To LiveГде бы я хотел житьThe question where to live comes to many young people’s minds. Some people like big cities, others prefer small towns or countryside. I think a lot depends on people’s interests and age. For example, the majority of young college students choose living in large cities, because of favorable job opportunities, party noise, large department stores, museums, galleries and theatres. Basically, vast job choice and entertainment and various facilities attract them. When people get older, marry, have children, they want to be away from the city noise. Family-type people prefer small towns or distant suburbs. Each time they want to see a film in the cinema, visit an exhibition, meet up with colleagues, they can drive to the nearest city. The older people become, the more they appreciate fresh air, peace and quiet of the countryside. That’s why most grandparents live in villages. As for me, I’m a city person. I like living in the apartment, going out with friends, shopping in malls ad simply enjoying city craze. Of course, there are some disadvantages as well. For example, high level of air pollution, rush hours in the subway, heavy traffic, etc. But all in all I would like to live in a large city till I’m old. When I’m a pensioner, I will move to a remote place at the oceanfront, where I will grow plants, read newspapers, do morning exercises, listen to classical music and simply rest in the hammock. Sometimes I will drive to the city to see my old friends and then get back to my paradise again. допустим так