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12.07.2022 21:31 •  Английский язык

Найдите в этом тексте 5 предложений с passive voise theatrical drama, as we understand it today, is based on three things. first, there must be an actor or actors speaking or singing. second, there must be some dramatic conflict (or different relations) between actors. the two sides may be enemies, they may be friends that can't agree with each other, or they may be divided by misunderstanding. third, and just as important as the other two, there must be an audience following the progress of the drama. the first theatrical performances of this kind took place in ancient greece. the greek drama developed from hymns sung to dionysius, the god of wine and good life. but it did not become true theatre until such performances included stories of the other gods and actors to represent them. the first known actor was called thespis. he was the leading singer and travelled from his birthplace to athens in a cart that carried all his belongings and could be turned into a stage for performance. in athens he won a prize at the new drama festival. people believe that he was also the first man who separated himself from other singers to make a dialogue with them. he was the first professional performer who was brave enough to play a god. before him this role had always belonged to priests or kings. cinema is much younger than theatre. it was born at the end of the 19th century. the first people who showed the first movies to a paying public were the lumiere brothers of france. they did this at the grand cafe, boulevard des capucines, paris, on the 20th february 1896. this was the first cinema show and it was quickly followed by many others in all parts of the world. the first films showed moving people and transport or newsreels of processions and wars, and short comedies. in 1901 france was the first country to produce a dramatic film, the story of a crime, which was followed by the great train robbery in the united states in 1903. at first, films were shown anywhere: in music halls, clubs and shops. by 1908, special film theatres were being built to give regular programmes. at this time cinema rapidly developed in both the new and the old world. charlie chaplin made his first film, making a living, in 1914 in the usa. the russian film industry was now going its own way. it produced such great films as protazanov's the queen of spades (1916) and father sergius (1918). both films starred ivan mosjoukhin, the famous actor. a little later russia's great achievement in cinema was connected with its directors such as eisenstein (the battleship "potemkin"), pudovkin (mother), kuleshov (by the law), dovzhenko (earth), and others. then, in 1927, warner brothers in hollywood made the first film in which an actor sang and spoke. the film was called jazz singer. it opened a new era in films - the era of the "talkies". the film mostly told its story with titles, but it had three songs and a short dialogue. there were long lines of people in front of the warner theatre in new york. the silent film was dead within a year. the first one hundred percent sound film, lights of new york, appeared in 1928. the first colour films were made in the 1930s, but black-and-white films are still made today

Theatrical drama, as we understand it today, ( is based )on three things.
The two sides may be enemies, they may be friends that can't agree with each other, or they may (be divided) by misunderstanding. 
This was the first cinema show and it (was) quickly (followed) by many others in all parts of the world. 
The Story of a Crime, which (was followed) by The Great Train Robbery in the United States in 1903. 
At first, films (were shown) anywhere: in music halls, clubs and shops. 
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Is based on
Was called
Had always belonged
Which was followed by...
At first films were shown
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With the first day of spring, when the awakening earth puts on its garment of green, and the warm, fragrant air fans our faces and fills our lungs and appears even to penetrate to our hearts, we experience a vague, undefined longing for freedom, for happiness, a desire to run, to wander aimlessly, to breathe in the spring. The previous winter having been unusually severe, this spring feeling was like a form of intoxication in May, as if there were an overabundant supply of sap.

One morning on waking I saw from my window the blue sky glowing in the sun above the neighbouring houses. The canaries hanging in the windows were singing loudly, and so were the servants on every floor; a cheerful noise rose up from the streets, and I went out, my spirits as bright as the day, to go—I did not exactly know where. Everybody I met seemed to be smiling; an air of happiness appeared to pervade everything in the warm light of returning spring. One might almost have said that a breeze of love was blowing through the city, and the sight of the young women whom I saw in the streets in their morning toilets, in the depths of whose eyes there lurked a hidden tenderness, and who walked with languid grace, filled my heart with agitation.


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mr adams doesn'n work on monday, does he?

mr adams works on tuesday, doesn't he?

if you have a best friend you can always rely on him. if you have trouble, he will always be there and always help.

where is the headmaster’s office in school?    

do you often to the nurse’s room?          

there is a large computer study in our school.          

you can find miss alison in the staff room.

во втором предложении пропущен глагол. проверь. он должен стоять на месте звездочек.

At last holidays came! i was very happy!   i didn't have  to get up early in the morning and run to school. i could stay in the bed till midday. but i didn't want to sleep. there were a lot of things to do. the weather was fine so my friends and i went for a walk every day. it was fun! then i spent a few days in the country where my grandfather and grandmother lived. it was great. i drank milk and ate a lot of tasty food which my granny prepared for me. i have many friends in this village because i go there every holidays. we played football and tennis every day! but  holidays were over and i returned to the city again.  i liked my holidays very much.   наконец наступили  каникулы! я был счастлив!   я не должен был вставать рано утром и бежать в школу. я мог   оставаться в постели до полудня. но я не хотел спать. было так много дел. погода была хорошая, так что мои друзья и я ходили гулять каждый день. это было весело! затем я провел несколько дней  в деревне, где   живут  мои дедушка и бабушка  . это было здорово. я пил молоко и ел много вкусной пищи, которую моя бабушка готовила для меня. у меня много друзей в этой деревне, потому что я езжу туда каждые каникулы. мы даже играли в футбол и теннис! но  каникулы закончились, и я вернулся в город снова. мне понравились мои каникулы.


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