Write a short e-mail ( not less than 45 words ) to your english pen friend about your dream job. use the plan to help you: -what it is - why it is your dream job - how it matches your personality type
Hello, I would like to tell about mydream job.I want to be a doctor.I like this profession because by this way I can help peoplе. If I become a doctor then I will treat people, so sick people will become less, the world will become better. Especially I want to treat children, when children suffer from my heart is compressed and tears come down. And let everyone know That I will be an excellent doctor!
1. When will the first 20 containers be delivered? - The first 20 containers will be delivered end June after full deposit received on time. 2. What need THE BUYER to do when the containers had been produced and completed in fulfilling this contract? - When the containers had been produced and completed in fulfilling this contract, THE BUYER need to receive the tank or to provide information for THE SELLER to deliver the containers to her specified location within 30 days from day of completion. 3. What shall be treated as refusal to receive the containers? - Postponement of delivery date beyond the 30 days’ grace period by THE BUYER, despite of all reasons other than for reason of quality failure of the containers, shall be treated as refusal to receive the containers. 4. What do the Seller and the Manufacturer warrant? - The Seller and the Manufacturer warrant that each container will be built to the Specification and requirements of the Contract, and will be free from defect in workmanship, materials and design. 5.Which responsibility is it to cross-reference and confirm the agreed specification? - It is the BUYER or USER’S responsibility to cross-reference and confirm the agreed specification is suitable for their intended cargo and usage. 6. What should the BUYER always directly seek? - The BUYER should always directly seek the relevant SUPPLIER for any Technical or Sales support for the Component.
1. Where Andrei Sakharov was born? 2. What did he do after graduating from Moscow State University? 3. Did A. Sakharov become the youngest academician in Russia? 4. What did he realize unlike many scientists? 5. What did he decide to do at the end of the 50s? 6. What did A. Sakharov win in 1975? 7. Where did Sakharov participate in December 1987? 8. Where did the International Conference against atomic wars take place? 9. When did Sakharov start his official career as a member of Russian Parliament? 10. When did he die?
I would like to tell about mydream job.I want to be a doctor.I like this profession because by this way I can help peoplе. If I become a doctor then I will treat people, so sick people will become less, the world will become better. Especially I want to treat children, when children suffer from my heart is compressed and tears come down. And let everyone know That I will be an excellent doctor!