As a senior high school student, I am very busy with my studies. Although I am very fond of watching television, I can only spend an hour after dinner on my hobby. Of all the TV programs, I like the news and documentaries best.
The news programs shown on all TV channels at 7:00 p.m. help me to know almost everything about different places in our country and important events happening all over the world. Through these programs, I can also know about the main national and international sportingevents.
The documentary programs at weekends are my favorites. By watching them, I can learn a great deal about human civilizations, the wonders of nature and the amazing inventions and discoveries of great people in the world.
Watching television is my hobby. I cannot imagine a day in my life without watching it.
I Would like to try some some new food.
The main russian city is Moscaw.
The speed of that car is very high.
You mast be quiet on the board of a plane.
I like travelling on the sea liner.
I am sure I will pass all my exames.
The best way to spend our hollidays is to go camping.
This car is very slow.
If there are not free seats in the buss use handgrips.
The wind is blowing outside.
Her baby is crying.
Birds are flying in the air.
I will play basketball even if my father forbid me.
The voage was nice.
We mast save rare wild animals.
I do not like to carry heavy bags.
I was traveling to Ukraine in the sleeping car.
I like to breath frash air.
There are lots of cars nowdays.
Cook special food - Приготовить особое блюдо - [ kuk 'speʃl fuːd ]
Have a family dinner - Семейный ужин - [ həv eɪ 'fæməli 'dɪnər ]
Have street parades - Уличный парад - [ həv striːt pə'reɪd ]
Без перевода:
Light bonfires - [ laɪt ˈbɑːn.faɪr ]
Set off fireworks - [ set ɔːf ˈfaɪr.wɝːk]
Exchange gifts - [ ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ ɡɪft ]
Decorate the house - [ ˈdekəreɪt ðə haʊs ]