1) Studying abroad seems difficult but interesting to many students.
Students understand how challenging it is.(to study abroad)
2) Studying abroad is similar to studying at one's home college.
Studying abroad is not different from studying at home.
3) When you are abroad you can miss your relatives very much/
While abroad you feel (are) depressed because you can't see parents and relatives.
4) You are in charge of all your things.
You are responsible for everything.
5) You can learn a lot about yourself and the world while studying abroad.
Studying abroad is the best experience you can have
8. Он со стыдом признал, что на него нельзя положиться.
He was ashamed to admit that he couldn’t be relied on.
9. Дэнни был очень рад, что успешно сдал все экзамены.
Danny was glad to have passed all the exams successfully
10. Когда родители пришли домой, она притворилась, что делает домашнее задание.
When her parents came home she pretended to be doing her homework
11. Он утверждал, что знает об автомобилях всё.
He claimed to know everything about cars
12. Я склонен думать, что мистер Грин не подходит для этой работы.
I am inclined to think that Mr. Grin isn’t suited for the job (OR … isn’t the right man for the job)
13. Мужчины на Западе стареют (age) гораздо быстрее, чем в Японии. (use “tend”)
In the West men tend to age much faster than in Japan
14. Она заслуживает денежной премии. (bonus payment)
She deserves to get a bonus payment